A WOMAN appeared at Worcester Crown Court for a series of offences caused by her "chaotic lifestyle," said her barrister, James McCracken.

Jaqueline Worrall, aged 25, had been in custody since July after being arrested on warrant.

But since being in jail she had broken free from drugs, said Mr McCracken, and had penned a letter, which was handed to Judge Thomas Dillon QC.

Jailing her for nine months, he said he was impressed she seemed to have come off drugs.

Worrall, of Avon Road, Kidderminster, admitted burgling her father's house in Jubilee Drive, Kidderminster, and stealing £10, shoplifting and obstructing police and breaching probation.

Mr Michael Conry, prosecuting, said Worrall gave a false name and address when she was arrested in Woolworths, Worcester, for stealing children's clothes worth £75. She was about to be released when her true identity was discovered.