A WORCESTER woman was taken off a bus by police as she made her way to court. Violet Miller was the only passenger on the service from the city to Droitwich on Friday morning.

Droitwich magistrates heard the 39-year-old mother-of-five had broken her bail conditions on the morning of a scheduled court appearance.

Miller, of Bromwich Road, St John's, admitted breaching her bail and threatening behaviour on Thursday, October 18.

The court was told Miller attended the probation office in Shaw Street for an appointment.

"There was a delay and Mrs Miller got angry," said Edward Saulsby, prosecuting.

"She was beginning to pace up and down and swearing.

"She became irrational and the receptionist spoke to her to try to deal with the matter, but it got worse.

"This culminated in the defendant taking a swing at the glass window.

"The receptionist thought it would smash. She was happy the glass was there to protect her."

On Friday morning, while waiting for a bus to Droitwich, Miller went back to the probation office, breaching her bail conditions.

"Having not crossed the river for seven days she legitimately crossed it to catch the bus," said Charles Hamer, defending.

"While waiting for the bus she started to wander around and passing the probation office in the process she looked inside.

"It appeared that no one was there.

"She tapped on the window and a woman opened it. There was a conversation and it appears my client became angry about being charged with the other offence.

"She then left the premises and boarded the bus to bring her to court. The police stopped the bus and she was taken off.

"She was correctly in Worcester city centre and unfortunately went down to the probation office in an attempt to find out why she'd been charged."

Droitwich magistrates granted Miller bail and adjourned the case for pre-sentence reports until Friday, November 16.