THREE projects to try to increase the number of trees in Worcestershire have been launched by the county council's Countryside Service.

The county council is offering free saplings to anyone who present a tree-planting project in a community wood or village green, and nominates themselves as a tree warden.

Training for tree wardens is free and those taking place will receive an information pack, quarterly newsletter, and on-going local information updates.

Anyone wanting to become a tree warden should contact Wade Muggleton, countryside project officer, on 01905 766493.

Members of the public are also invited to apply for an Environmental Improvement Grant for projects that look after trees and improve the environment.

Such projects would include small woodlands, oak trees located in hedgerows, fruit tree hedgerows and veteran trees.

Applications should be made to the Countryside Service Projects Team on 01905 766493 by Friday, November 30.

The third scheme will try an increase the number of fruit trees in the county.

Species of apple and pear trees have been grown by Avonbank Nursery at Pershore College and are available to anyone with a garden, field or orchard.

They cost £10 each and will be available this Thursday, November 1, and February 28.