MY neighbours across the road recently installed a "security" light in their back garden. It was set up so that it shone directly into our kitchen window and made it impossible to see where we were going down the garden path.

I pointed this out to them and by the time this letter is published they will have adjusted it.

However, I wondered how many other people are suffering this irritation because they are afraid of conflict? It is difficult to raise such issues, even with people you know well, let alone someone you have never spoken to before, and without causing offence or bad feeling.

I would ask everybody with outside security lights to make sure they do not shine onto neighbour's houses or into gardens in an offensive way; or onto the street to dazzle pedestrians, who could trip if they cannot see where they are walking, and, especially car drivers as this could case an accident.

We ought also to consider why high wattage lights are used. Bright lights create excellent dark shadows for people to hide in, whereas a soft light from a traditional outside light shines all around and creates soft shadows.

The soft light doesn't annoy anybody and makes it easier for you to move about the garden. Perhaps we have all been duped by the high wattage light salesman?

Thank you to my understanding neighbours who have dipped their security light, and thank you to everybody who is now going to check their own.


Northwick, Worcester.