THE region's development agency popped into Worcester to give a presentation to the local business community on its aims and ambitions.

Businessmen and women and representatives from county, city and district councils heard how Advantage West Midlands wants to create a "robust and inclusive partnership" with Worcestershire.

Speaking on behalf of the six Advantage West Midlands board members and directors at the presentation - held at the Fownes Hotel in Worcester - board member Norman Price said the challenge now was to "line up the arrows".

"The challenge now is to make the infrastructure put in place work.

"It's about lining up the arrows and all singing from the same hymn sheet," said Mr Price, who is the chairman of Bede Plc.

Mr Price spoke about the 10 business clusters identified by the agency, including the "traditional" industries of transport, building, food and drink and tourism, and said their development was "key to the modernisation and diversification of the region's economy".

The business clusters also include "growing" industries, such as specialist business services and information technology.

Mr Price also spoke of regeneration zones, earmarked for investment by the agency, and the three developing technology corridors in the region, one of which is the Worcestershire to Birmingham corridor, taking in the Malvern Science Park.