A TEENAGER stole a radio-controlled car the day after he took two bottles of whisky from a Pershore off-licence.

Martyn Breakwell admitted the thefts before Droitwich magistrates yesterday.

The 19-year-old also admitted possession of heroin.

On Tuesday, October 2, at about 1.30pm, Breakwell was stopped by police in High Street, Pershore.

Officers had received reports from shop assistants in Wine Rack of a man, matching Breakwell's description, who had stolen items from the shop.

"He attempted to run off but was detained," said Alex Warren, prosecuting.

"He was found to have two bottles under his jacket.

"He admitted stealing the whisky, saying he was going to drink it later."

Mr Warren told the court that the next day Breakwell was in Worcester.

He went into Woolworth's in the High Street and was seen picking up a radio-controlled car.

"A store detective saw the man proceed to the toy display and pick up a box containing the car," said Mr Warren.

"He put the car in a carrier bag and left the store."

He was stopped outside and held until police arrived.

The court heard that Breakwell, of Hands Orchard, Great Comberton, near Pershore, was searched at the police station and a small quantity of heroin was found in his trouser hem.

He admitted two charges of theft and possession of a class A drug.

Magistrates ordered that he carry out an 18-month community rehabilitation order and pay £100 court costs.