CAR fanatic Ian Jackson came unstuck when police caught him test-driving a broken down vehicle he had just repaired.

Learner driver Jackson had finished repairing the "knackered" Ford Escort for his friend and was busy taking it for a spin when police stopped him.

Droitwich magistrates heard officers caught up with the 19-year-old by a row of garages in Woodmans Close on the Westlands estate on Saturday, July 7.

Edward Soulsby, prosecuting, said Jackson told the police the car was his when it in fact belonged to his passenger.

The tax had run out in April.

"He was asked about the MOT," said Mr Soulsby.

"He replied: 'The bloke I bought it off said it had three months.'

"When he was asked who it was, he said he didn't know - he just heard it was going cheap."

Jackson, of Drivers Way, Westlands, Droitwich, admitted driving not in accordance with his licence and having no MOT or insurance.

"I like doing up cars," he told the bench.

"I do it as a hobby, but this one was a bit knackered.

"I was there all day working on it because the engine had seized. I got it going and took it round the block from Farmers Way to Woodlands Way.

"It's not very far, but that's when the police pulled me over."

Jackson, who works for Reality on the Berry Hill Industrial Estate, was given a six-month driving ban, told to pay £220 in fines and ordered to contribute £35 towards prosecution costs.