THE frustrated owners of a tollhouse in Malvern have painted their home bright yellow in an attempt to slow down passing traffic.

The front of the 1840 Grade II Listed building stands immediately on the edge of the busy A449 Ledbury to Malvern road at British Camp.

In July, a motorcyclist lost his arm after he was in collision with a Land Rover just beyond the building.

Residents claim traffic travels as fast as 60mph, making the junction with British Camp Road extremely dangerous.

"Herefordshire Council has refused outright to do anything about a speed limit, so painting our house is a way of making it very noticeable and slowing people down.

"We don't want to wait until someone is killed," said Kerry Savage and Debbie Sly, who live in the tollhouse.

A red sign warning drivers of the concealed entrance was recently erected by concerned residents.

Helen Turner has gathered 280 signatures for a petition which is to be lodged with the Highways Agency.

"We aren't making a great deal of progress with the council in trying to get a speed limit of some description," she said.

"At weekends it's extremely busy with walkers, dogs and children visiting a nearby Iron Age fort and there's no footway for them on the road. It's not going to be too long before a very, very serious accident happens."

John Colyer, Herefordshire Council's transportation manager, said an accident investigation team was looking at British Camp and ascertaining the skid resistance of the road, pavements, signage and where and how the Worcestershire Way crosses it.

"We accept there are legitimate concerns," he said. "However a speed limit isn't the best solution in this situation because it would most likely not be obeyed by most drivers, which is worse than no speed limit."