WITH the prospect of cold nights, Age Concern is offering a little warmth to Worcestershire pensioners with an energy offer.

Age Concern Enterprises (ACEnt) and Age Concern Charity are helping older people in Worcestershire and Herefordshire to avoid winter risks with an enhanced energy package.

Exposure to the cold increase people's susceptibility to viruses and the risk of hypothermia.

The package currently consists of energy savings on gas and electricity, cold weather payments, and provides two free low-energy lamps, a free mini jug kettle, a free carbon monoxide detector, a free hypothermia thermometer and useful card numbers.

"We recognise elderly people have different needs than the average gas or electricity customer," said Michael Abrey-Bugg, general manager of Energy Services at ACEnt.

To find out more about Age Concern Enterprises call 0800 917 3352.