A FORMER parcel courier who ploughed through a crossroads and smashed into a van side-on has admitted driving without due care and attention.

Droitwich magistrates were told that Thomas Jones, now out of work, was on his usual route through Wychbold to the Aston Fields Industrial Estate in Bromsgrove when the crash happened.

As the 49-year-old drove up to the junction of Crutch Lane and Crown Lane in his Mercedes 311 van, he kept going and ploughed straight into the side of a van.

Slightly hurt

He escaped unscathed, but the occupants of the other van were slightly hurt.

Jones, of Shepherds Place, Droitwich, said he was travelling at 30mph on Friday, May 4 when the crash happened at 9am.

The road was dry, he told the bench.

"It's an area I know well," said the former ANC delivery driver.

"I came up to the crossroads but by the time I realised ... I put my foot on the brake but the van continued to move forward.

"There was nothing I could do."

Magistrates fined the father-of-three £70, ordered him to pay £30 court costs and added three penalty points to his licence.