Four star

THE British soul diva who brought us the classic Flavour of the Old School returns with this fiery new single, released on Monday.

Ms Knight sings with conviction and fervour on this Latin-inspired track, which has a distinctive carnival feel, as well as obvious potential for club remixes by hoards of trendy DJs.

It's a real confidence-booster with a 'girl power' thang going on - without tarring Ms Knight with the same brush as the Spice Girls, of course.

The music and lyrics, for example, 'heed your calling/go and do your thing', are very similar to Destiny's Child's Survivor - this century's I Will Survive.

Expect females to flock to a dancefloor near you and Beverley Knight to go straight to the top of the class.

Never Too Late, the second track on the CD Single, is a bit more R 'n' B than its predecessor.

Finally, twinkly-voiced Ms Knight offers us the sensual What If? which is a groovy kind of ballad and good for chilling out to.