THE weather fortunately stayed fine for the fourth round of the West Midlands league at Ludlow -- just as well because certain sections of the course, already quite technical with smooth rock and tree roots, would have been tricky.

Bromsgrove Olympique's team were again near the top of the board in three of the four events.

Craig Talbot took third place in the Under-12s with Genny Billington second girl.

Nick Wilcox was 15th and Jason Dingley 16th. Craig's ride was particularly good as he managed to catch and overtake one of his main rivals Will Pennon on the last lap after chasing him for four laps.

Will Goulbourne took second in the youth category with Alex Billington fifth, Ross Dingley sixth, Peter Banham seventh, Peter Yates 11th and Chris MacDonald 17th.

Alex was suffering with tonsillitis and had a decidedly hard time, especially after he lost his chain and then couldn't get back up to the leaders on the hard and twisting circuit.

In the vets, juniors and ladies, Rob Twigg was once again highest Olympique finisher in seventh place, and now holds third place in the veterans' category.

Martin Barnett also rode an excellent race to finish 12th. Geoff Dingley improved and was in his element on the tree roots and single track sections to take 19th.

Ian Billington trailed Mike Cooper for most of the race until a back wheel puncture on the last lap allowed Ian to catch him up. They took 21st and 22nd places.

Richard Yates was 24th and Gerry Blackmoor 30th. In the ladies race, Francine Billington was missing due to attending a cycling club's dinner dance in Rotherham.

Heather Wilcox took her place and finished third with Kate Salmon fourth.

The seniors saw Alan Dyus off to a brilliant start, being in the top ten after one lap. His energy levels and a few bike problems in the race allowed brother Ian to catch and pass him to beat Alan for the first time this season. They took 17th and 18th places, Steve Talbot took 20th and Luke Twigg 24th.

In the team competition Olympique and Wolverhampton Wheelers now share the lead with eight rounds left.

Last weekend also saw club members investing in the future of the club by starting to train to be cycling coaches. Glenys Blackmoor, Geoff Dingley, John Knight and Ian Billington had their first eight hours of lectures and workgroups at Sutton Coldfield and now have to complete lengthy written assignments before their next session in November.

Next weekend sees many Olympique riders move indoors for a leg-wrenching two hour session at Manchester Velodrome, with yet more pain on Sunday at the fifth round of the league at Aldersley Stadium Wolverhampton.

For more details phone Ian on (01527) 833847.