CARELESS parking cost a bungling Worcester teenager his licence after he had taken a car that had its keys hanging in the door.

Droitwich magistrates heard that the youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, drove friends around, then returned the car to its parking place.

The teenager, who appeared before magistrates yesterday on his 17th birthday, raised suspicion after parking the Ford Fiesta facing the opposite way to when he took it.

Edward Soulsby, prosecuting, told magistrates the youth and his friends drove the car around the city for more than three hours before returning it.

"There was no damage to the car. The only reason it was noticed was because the car was facing the other way around," he said.

The youth, from Barbourne, admitted taking the car without consent, driving not in accordance with a licence and driving without insurance.

David Taylor, defending, said his client deeply regretted the incident and had returned the car because he had realised his actions were wrong.

He added that the college student had intended to take the keys to the police station but was talked into taking the car by the friends he was with.

It was the same friends who later gave police the teenager's name to avoid action being taken against them, after it was discovered they had been seen in the car in Tunnel Hill.

"He knows the reason he's got into trouble was because he listened to the others and didn't follow his own convictions that it was wrong," said Mr Taylor.

"But he realised what he was doing was stupid so returned the car. He isn't proud of what he's done and says he lies in bed wondering why he did it.

"As soon as he was confronted about the incident he admitted everything and offered to apologise. Coming to court has been a profound lesson for him."

Magistrates fined the teenager £150 for taking the vehicle without consent and £100 for driving without insurance, and ordered him to pay £55 costs.

He was also disqualified from driving for six months after receiving eight points for driving with no insurance and four points for driving not in accordance with a licence.