EUROPEAN MP Liz Lynne brought her battlebus to Worcester in an access-for-all campaign in Worcestershire and Herefordshire.

RNIB New College Worcester, the future of Hereford Dial-a-ride buses and a sample of riding activities for the disabled in Holme Lacy were all on the MEP's tour yesterday.

Ms Lynne emphasised the key theme behind this constituency visit was to find better ways in integrating disabled people into the mainstream of society.

"With my report on the European Year of Disabled People 2003 just about coming up for approval by the Parliament, it's particularly important for me to concentrate on relevant issues at this time," she said.

"This is a factfinding tour. I'm looking to find more about the best and worst practice right across my constituency."

As part of the visits yesterday, she met staff and pupils of New College in Whittington Road to learn more about the facilities and teaching practices for visually-impaired pupils.

The MEP is aiming to copy their methods in order to spread best practice across Europe.