GROUPS have the chance to grab a slice of £20,000 to improve the quality of life in their communities.

Grants are on offer from Wyre Forest Community Safety Partnership which is aiming to support schemes to make Wyre Forest a safer place.

"It could be something as simple as putting lights outside a women's social club," said partnership co-ordinator Paul Schubert.

"A small amount of money could make a big difference."

The partnership, involving bodies such as the police, probation service, district council and health authority, works to reduce the fear of crime, car crime, domestic violence and the availability of illegal drugs.

"It's a mistake to think the police are the only people who can have an impact on reducing crime.

"It's down to the whole community and the police can't do it alone," he added.

Groups from all over the district can apply for cash, but the partnership believes Kidderminster's Horsefair and Broadwaters, and Oldington and Foley Park, and Stourport's Walshes Estate would particularly benefit after being highlighted as areas of "multiple deprivation".

Mr Schubert also hopes "hard to reach groups," such as the gay community, ethnic minorities, and the physically or mentally handicapped, who often suffer from exclusion, will come forward with ideas.

"Last year the Bangladesh Ladies' Society received £1,524 for computers to help them learn English," he said.

To apply for a grant, contact Mr Schubert on 01562 820888 extension 3097. Application forms will have to be returned by November 30.