MOTOR SPORT: Race ace Lee Bennett has set his sights on a top-six finish after upgrading to the UK Monoposto 2000 Championship next season.

The Kidderminster driver is confident of a good campaign in a new Formula Three Reynard which is currently being prepared by family team, Bennett Motorsport, with the help of backer Redwoods.

Bennett did superbly in the 1600 Championship, finishing runner up in his Lola t642e despite not entering three rounds which take place at major tracks across the United Kingdom.

But due to his promotion, the car is now available for sale and any potential takers or sponsors can call 01562 638388.

Bennett said: "I expect 2002 will be pretty much a learning year because of the new car and moving up a class.

"But we are hopeful of picking up a few podium places and maybe by the end of the year a win. A top six in the championship is our goal.

"The new car can achieve speeds of 150mph and it is being fitted with a Volkswagen engine.

"But our standards in car preparation, which we have won an award for, should see us very competitive in 2003."

Any newcomer to the sport who wants to buy the Lola will be given advice.