ARTHUR Robinson of Harvington (letters October 25) lists what he describes as 'quasi official' county organisations that he clearly feels do not fulfil the role he expects.

His list is in fact a digest of the job titles and section headings that appear in Newsline, the newsletter of Community First.

I am grateful to Mr Robinson for the opportunity to bring our organisation to public attention. Community First is an independent charity that provides projects and services that aim to combat disadvantage across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

We work with numerous local community groups and voluntary organisations, and are part of a national network.

If Mr Robinson had done a little local investigation he would be aware that Vital Villages, one of the projects hosted by Community First, has recently provided a grant for his local village shop.

If any Journal readers would like to know more about Community First, our telephone number is 01684 573334.

We have our AGM on November 28, at which we are offering an opportunity for attendees to meet members of staff and discuss their areas of work. We would be pleased to offer Mr Robinson an invitation to the event.

NINA OWEN, Community First Publicity Officer, Malvern.