Re Pat Smith's report on the controversial Simms & Woods green field site commercial development.

Upheld on appeal, this touches a raw nerve with those who have been placed in jeopardy and with probably with many of your readers when they realise the safety implications for salad crops washed and packed adjacent to and downhill from the Landfill site.

Wychavon District Council twice voted unanimously against this development at planning stage. Their Leader declared an ongoing beneficial interest and representations at the inquiry failed to get the result expected by residents and councillors alike. No remedy was available with help of our MP.

Letters of concern from residents individually addressed to the directors and shareholders of Simms & Woods remain unanswered and ignored. Not exactly behaviour intended to win friends and influence people!

I cannot think of anything that would engender community spirit more than being ignored. Upper Moor residents are thriving and resolved to constructively seek redress.

Chris Roberts 'CHUMS' Community Health Upper Moor Safety), Upper Moor, Pershore.