IF you are regularly involved in transporting elderly invalid card holders around the car parks around Sainsbury's on the Crossley retail park in Kidderminster, please read on.

The main car parking areas are generally 90 per cent empty.

If, however, you legitimately use the disabled parking facilities, do not forget to display the appropriate cards.

I had my 88-year-old father with me and in order to assist him out of the car, I omitted to display the disability card.

On returning to the car I was amazed to find a sticker on the window advising a £60 fine.

I discussed the situation with the "Excel car park" operative, who said: "I'm not psychic, you should ring head office".

I wrote to them the same day and they promptly wrote back saying basically - too bad, send cheque to this address.

It was cold, callous and unfeeling.

What a high price to pay for an oversight.

Invalid helpers please note.


Kittiwake Drive
