THERE is a rare chance to visit Caldwall Tower next weekend when it throws open its doors to the public.

The three-storey building is the last remaining part of Caldwall Castle, a medieval manor, and is thought to date back to 1350.

But owner, Richard Davies, who bought the once dilapidated building from the district council, has warned the on-going problem of bottles and glasses being thrown into the grounds by clubbers could jeopardise plans to open it to the public more frequently.

He told a meeting of the district council's licensing and environmental committee: "The insurance company is unhappy about the danger that exists to the general public. With the fallen leaves, it's like walking through a minefield."

The castle, once home to Geoffrey Chaucer's granddaughter and later three of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators, has been extensively restored and contains a vaulted undercroft.

The tower in Castle Road can be visited, free of charge, between 10am and 6pm on Saturday, November 10.