The British Horse Society has issued a warning about the dangers of fireworks close to horses.

Anyone holding a firework display should make sure that it is not being held anywhere near fields containing horses or ponies. Last year two horses died and another was seriously injured as a result of a private fireworks party.

The horses in question were in a field adjacent to the display and panicked.

Two of them collapsed and died due to stress and exhaustion; the third ran into a telegraph pole and suffered horrendous injuries. The society says it is essential anyone holding a firework display should tell their neighbours, and behave in a responsible way.

All horseowners should try to see that their horses are brought in or moved if there is to be a display nearby. Kerstin Alford, BHS head of welfare, said: "Anyone holding a firework display has a duty of care to the public and this should include their animals.

" Firework displays should take place well away from livestock, particularly horses. Many horses are easily alarmed and could be terrified by the noise and explosions of light. There is also a real danger that if frightened they will escape from their field and perhaps cause an accident on the roads.

"Anyone holding a party should also check their insurance as a claim for damages could prove very costly."