MEMBERS of Kidderminster and District Lions Club need the support of shoppers and readers of the Shuttle/Times and News.

The Lions group has teamed up again with the newspaper to provide food hampers for needy families across the district this Christmas.

For the last 26 years generous Wyre Forest folk have supported the appeal by donating tinned and non-perishable food items so that up to 125 hampers could be distributed during each festive season.

Lions members make sure they get to the most needy families by working closely with Social Services and community nursing teams.

Lions volunteers will be asking shoppers to donate to the appeal when they spend this Saturday and Sunday at the Co-op stores in Franche and Stourport.

Tins may also be dropped into the Shuttle/Times and News office in Kidderminster between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.

Closing date for donations is Friday, November 16.