BROADWAY parish councillors have unanimously rejected an application by Broadway Country Tower for rural rate relief.

At a meeting last Thursday, members felt that the business did not fill the criteria.

Broadway parish clerk, Don Shryane said: "The country park attraction is a private enterprise which is not particularly useful to the community such as a post office, grocer's or a chemist shop.We support our butcher's shop because it is the only one in the village and needs help to keep going."

Chairman of the parish council, Peter Riley said: "If we support this the floodgates will open - how could we refuse any other business in the village?"

Country tower owner, Mrs Annetta Gorton said there had been some mistake over the application forms and that it was a rate reduction due to the foot and mouth crisis she had intended to apply for.

Head of revenues for Wychavon District Council, Liz Dyde said companies applying for a government rate reduction following the foot and mouth crisis were required to prove their businesses had suffered as a result.

She added that Broadway Country Tower could be in line for a 100% reduction over six months.

It was unlikely, however, that the tourist attraction would also get rural rate relief from Wychavon if parish councillors had rejected the application.