WEDNESDAY CLUB: The two October meetings gave the new season's programme a most excellent start. Firstly, Mr John Barry gave his talk on 'An Airline's View of Passengers' and at the following meeting a most entertaining and amusing talk on 'Laughter is the Best Medicine' was provided by Mr Elwyn Goss. Mr Goss reinforced his own personal anecdotes and stories by playing recorded examples from radio programmes. Certainly good medicine and members felt much better at the end of the afternoon. The next two meetings will be a members' exhibition of 'My Favourite Travel Mementoes' - with their stories, and next a talk on 'Spring in Texas' by Mr Nicholas Clark.

RAFA COFFEE MORNING: The RAFA (Chipping Campden branch) coffee morning held in the village hall raised £293 for the Battle of Britain Wings Day Appeal.

METHODIST CHURCH: The 'Songs of Praise and Poetry' evening was well-attended. The dialogues, poems and singing were all much enjoyed and the evening ended with refreshments in the Church Schoolroom. It is hoped that another such event will be arranged shortly.

TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP: At this month's meeting Canon Adrian Slade gave an interesting talk on the work of 'Traidcraft'. The meeting next Tuesday will hear a talk by Mrs Helen Piper on 'Evesham Town Twinning.'

ST PETER'S CHURCH: A programme of Poems and Music on the subject of War and Remembrance will be presented in Church on Saturday, November 10. There is no admission charge but a collection will be made for the Halo Trust, a charity whose work involves clearing land-mines in several countries.

PARISH WALKS: The next walk will be on November 11, meeting at the Jubilee-seat at 2pm, for a four to five mile walk. Enquiries to Miss Ruth Daintith (01386) 853845.

SNOOKER CLUB: The AGM will be held on November 13 at 7.30pm in the village hall snooker room.

HARVEST SUPPER: The annual harvest supper held in the village hall was again very well-attended and much enjoyed. A most excellent meal was followed by a quiz game conducted by Mrs Juliette Lindon-Morris.

VILLAGE HALL AGM: The AGM of the village hall management committee was held in the hall and another successful year was reported upon. The plans for hall improvements were outlined, the work to be done during the coming year.