Evesham and District League

THE two Badsey teams met at the RBL club with the home side taking the win by 21 points.

Ian Davies high scored for the home team with a 47 and Ashley Green hit the same for the Rec.

Wickhamford travelled to Hampton WMC and came away with both points. Bob Baker and Martin Houghton both scored 45 for Hampton and Dean Baglin 48 for the visitors.

Evesham SMC played host to Stanton Club but found the visitors too strong losing by 15 points.

Doug Littlewood scored a 45 for Evesham and Jackie Laming a 49 for Stanton. This keeps the latter in second place in the league averages.

Offenham RBL travelled to Campden RBL but, with Ady Lewis and sister Steph Anderson both scoring maximums, the visitors easily beat Campden by 13 points.

Bob Pitcher was the highest score for Campden with 48.

The George and Dragon were at home to Fairfield Nomads but lost by nine points. Simon James hit a 44 for the George and Ian Bostock 45 for the winners.

The last match between league newcomers Broadway FC and last seasons winners, the Lygon Arms, saw the Lygon take the points with 20 points to spare.

Stu Wright high scored for Broadway with 46 with Keith Harris the best for the Lygon with 48.

Results: Badsey RBL (I Davies 47) 265, Badsey Rec (A Green 47) 244; Broadway FC (S Wright 46) 255, Lygon Arms (K Harris 48) 275; Campden RBL (R Pitcher 48) 275, Offenham RBL (S Anderson and A Lewis 50) 288; Evesham SMC (D Littlewood 45) 258, Stanton Club (J Laming 49) 273; George and Dragon (S James 44) 249, Nomads (I Bostock 45) 258; Hampton WMC (M Houghton, R Baker 45) 248, Wickhamford SSC (D Baglin 48) 273.