HOUSEHOLDERS in Bromsgrove are being urged to think about their safety and home security as the dark nights draw in.

The police are advising that simple security measures which do not cost a fortune can protect homes.

A Bromsgrove police spokeswomen said: "Dusk now starts at about 4pm, a time at which many people will still be at work leaving their homes and vehicles vulnerable.

"Simply security measures can be easily put into place, many of which don't cost too much money."

Advice includes pruning back bushes near the entrance or at the back of houses because burglars can hide in them, and installing security lights which act as a deterrent against burglars.

The spokeswoman added: "It is also worthwhile fitting a timer switch to a lamp so your home looks occupied even if it isn't."

Officers are also warning if you are out Christmas shopping already, to keep your gifts out of sight and keep money and credit cards safe.

The spokeswoman went on to say: "We are simply reiterating good crime prevention advice and hopefully the darker nights will not be an invitation to thieves in the run up to Christmas."