REHEARSALS are well underway for Staunton & Corse Amateur Theatrical Society's production of their Christmas pantomime Millennium Dame, which is being directed by Barbara Buck. This year will also see some new members amongst the cast. The pantomime will be from Thursday, November 29 to Saturday, December 1 in Corse & Staunton Village Hall. Tickets are available from Joan Whitemore 01452 840457 or Staunton Post Office. As the song says "There is nothing like a dame" so why not accept SCATS invitation and book now and meet the Millennium Dame.

On a still November morning well over 120 people gathered at Staunton War Memorial for the Service of Remembrance. They included members of Staunton & District Women's Royal British Legion, and contingents of the 1st Staunton & Corse Venture Scouts, Scouts, Cub Scouts and Beavers. Canon John Evans conducted the service which began with a hymn, the reading of the names of the men of Staunton who sacrificed their lives were read by Warrant Officer Michael Bradbury and a poppy wreath was laid at the War Memorial by Mrs Winnie Brunsdon and Laurence Binyon's words were said by Mrs Pat Taylor, both members of Staunton Women's Branch of the Legion. The two minutes silence was observed. A Service of Remembrance followed in St James Church when the Standards were received at the altar by Canon Evans. Lessons were read by Mr Nigel Smith and sidesmen were the churchwardens and Mrs Sue Cotton. The organist was Mrs Margaret Riley.

Staunton & Corse Cub Scouts were out and about in the villages collecting clothing for men for the Gloucestershire Emer-gency Accommodation Relief (GEAR) and judging by the number of bags, something towards 40 in the Scout Hut it appears to have been a very successful effort. Notices had been previously put through letter boxes in Staunton & Corse asking for unwanted men's clothing and Cub Scout Leader Tim Brown was well pleased with the response.