A LONELY widower is on a high after finding a new girlfriend to settle down with.

Gulliver the duck was left out in the cold after his partner died last month, leaving him broken-hearted and looking for a new bird in his life to fit the bill.

But the Muscovy duck, a breed that does not float or quack, got himself into a flap after failing to find the perfect partner, forcing staff at Danemere Petotel, who care for Gulliver, to take action.

Now life is plain sailing for the duck - thanks to the Evening News.

Gulliver's perfect partner was left in a box at the hotel after an appeal in the paper last week for a suitable spouse.

He was found by staff on Sunday introduced to Gulliver. Already, the pair are inseparable.

"They seemed to hit it off straight away," said Nia Quinlin from the animal rescue centre.

"It is great news, we are all really pleased for Gulliver."