PEOPLE in Bromsgrove are being encouraged to find out what is happening in their neighbourhood.

The district council has joined forces with Worcestershire County Council, West Mercia police, and Worcestershire Health Authority to hold a series of public meetings.

Bromsgrove Spotlight will give residents a chance to raise matters of concern and ask questions.

"We're delighted to be able to join forces with our colleagues from other major agencies to meet the community face to face to discuss issues that matter to them," said council leader Nick Psirides.

"The meetings will give local residents the chance to keep up to date with things happening on their doorstep and tell us what they think. People will be able to raise matters they like.

"We all want to give local residents what they want and the best way for us all to ensure we are doing just that is to ask them outright. We hope as many people as possible take up the invitation to come along."

The first meeting will be held on Thursday, November 29, at the Council House in Burcot Lane, starting at 7.15pm.

Issues on the agenda will include the future of Sanders Park and the refurbishment of the Ryland Centre.