ABOUT £2,000 has been raised for Alcester Day Hospital after an evening of entertainment was organised by a hospital worker.

Voluntary worker Mark Belsey organised a charity show at the Greig Hall for the benefit of patients.

His cabaret act, The Mad Hatters, was supported by Rosie's Bones, together with businesses in the area which generously donated gifts.

A total of £1,811 was raised, which will be used to buy equipment to enhance patients' recovery and care

On Monday, November 12, a cheque was presented to Senior Nurse Sue Price Gough by Mark Belsey, Gary Prottey and John Yapp, of the Mad Hatters.

Andrew Warbrick, from Central Financial Management, a major sponsor of the event, said the company was delighted to sponsor events which benefited the community.

Day hospital co-ordinator Fiona Hughes thanked Mr Belsey and his team for their commitment and dedication and was particularly praising of his involvement as a volunteer at the day hospital.