THE club held its AGM at the Quality Hotel, Southcrest, on Wednesday, November 14.

Jack Moss was re-elected president and David Turner as chairman.

The meeting was followed by a talk by the chairman on his experiences as a wartime evacuee in Wales.

David had recently read a library book called They Tied a Label On My Coat by Hilda Hollingsworth and this triggered off his reminiscences.

The book jacket said the authoress lives in Redditch and has a husband called John and three children, Val, Glenn and Revis.

If anybody knows of Hilda's whereabouts, David would love to meet her and swap memories. Give him a ring on 876663.

There are still a few vacancies for membership and if you like the idea of a good meal in pleasant and friendly company with a talk on subjects ranging from the Titanic to the jungles of Borneo, give the chairman a call on the same number for more details.