WITH many country roads particularly treacherous after flash or freak floods, the RAC has joined forces with the British Horse Society to warn enthusiasts to take extra care when transporting horses this winter.

"With the start of the winter show jumping and dressage seasons, many people are travelling with a horse in transit," said the RAC's Rona Parry.

The leading cause of breakdowns is tyre related, and when combined with poor weather conditions and an anxious horse, a breakdown can ruin an important equestrian day.

A few simple tips can help avoid disaster.

l Check that the spare tyre is in good condition, is legal and can be removed from its mounting.

l Carry sufficient food and water to minimise the distress for your horse.

l Don't leave the trailer covered in salt after a winter trip. A quick hose down can save on breakages caused by salt corrosion.

l Don't ignore services to both vehicle and trailer, and have it done regularly.

l Always tell the recovery operator when there are horses on board.