APOLOGIES at the recent meeting were received from former president Pat Meredith. She is moving home and therefore leaving our WI. We shall miss her because she was an excellent president.

Fortunately, former president Jean Towler has agreed to become president again so we are grateful to her because she is excellent too. She welcomed all members to the meeting, with a special welcome to visitors.

The speaker was Liz Smith who gave an interesting and entertaining talk, Ewe and You. This is a charity working with underprivileged children who attend for a day, or residential visits.

They work with farm animals, and learn by working together that they can achieve their maximum potential. The child benefits from it, and it is a good education about food production. The vote of thanks was given by Audrey Tonkinson.

The competition was for an unusual thimble. The winner was Audrey Court, with Jean Towler and Joy Overton second and third.