GARDEN CLUB: The AGM took place at the October meeting. There was a special vote of thanks to Hazel Bartlett, who was standing down as secretary after several years service. It was agreed that the annual subscription be raised to £5 to meet the increased cost of speakers.

The meeting felt that even at that level the members were given excellent value. The new committee elected was a follows: coun David Roberts - chairman; Dr William Horton - secretary; Stanley Saunders - treasurer; Hazel Bartlett, Geoff Barret, Edgar Jeffery, Diane Stacey, Patrick Thwaites and Penny Valendar- committee members. After the formal proceedings, Roy Walker conducted a 'Plant Clinic' by way of a question and answer session. He has agreed to become the new secretary of the Broadway Show. This is independent of the sponsorship by his firm, Fosseway Nurseries. The orange cake competition was won by Hazel Bartlett, Christine Savage was second whilst Ruth Daintith was placed third. The November meeting will take place on Monday, November 26 at the usual time and venue when the speaker will be John Beacon of Beacon Nurseries. The competition is 'Christmas Tree Decorations'.