WI adviser Doreen Jeeves was welcomed to the annual meeting on November 12.

Members were reminded of the carol concert at Kidderminster Town Hall on December 7 and the Leys Group carol service at St Peter's Church, Cookley, on December 12.

Eileen Fuller reported on the half-yearly council meeting. Janet Murray won the mystery prize.

Secretary Irene Bonner gave a round-up of the year's events, the Launchbury Cup was awarded to Mary Greenfield and the Friendship Cup to Dorothy Shaw.

President Joyce Allen thanked everyone for their support during her term of office.

Jeanne Round is the new president, June Durden will continue as treasurer and Ann Evanson is the new secretary.

A party of members went to see Kiss Me Kate at Brierley Hill. The skittles team's next match will be at Kingsford Country Park on Monday.

There will be a social evening on December 10 with a competition for "A seasonal table arrangement".