Brenda Barratt was voted as president for a third year, at the annual meeting on November 5.

The new cloth Lesley Grant and Joan Docherty made for the president's table was on display.

Reports were given on the group meeting and half-yearly council meeting.

Joint winners of the Competition Cup are Muriel Owen and Diane Cooper.

Janice Jones, a WI adviser, gave a talk on the constitution, then conducted a game of assessing character by lipstick shapes. Winners of the competition for The Last Rose of Summer were Muriel and Eve Owen.

On December 3 Mervyn Silcox will organise a seasonal evening, followed by an American supper.

The competition will be for A Christmas Cracker.

The Christmas shopping trip to Oxford is on November 28, leaving Blackwell Street, Kidderminster at 9am.

An outing to see Camelot at Chaddesley Village Hall has been organised for November 29.