A STUDENT hoping to dig out a career in countryside management is turning to the wonders of the Wyre Forest for his inspiration.

The Worcestershire woodlands are providing an educational base for 20-year-old Chris Waskett, right, who is using the Forestry Commission facilities near Bewdley for a year of practical studies.

Eventually, he hopes to go on and complete his HND course and find a place in the organisation as a full-time forester.

"As well as being one of the country's most popular woodlands for public recreation, it's also a prime wildlife site," he said.

"And on top of its conservation value, it produces valuable income for the nation through its high-quality timber."

Around 10,000 students of all ages go to Wyre Forest on field trips and courses every year.

Mr Waskett, who grew up in the heart of Hampshire's world-famous New Forest, will be carrying out essential survey work and helping with forestry operations as part of his project.