ON listening to Radio WM regarding public transport, Stephen Byers MP said it would take years to improve it and blamed the 'Thatcher Years' for the problems we have now, even though Labour has been in government for more than four years.

Many people are paying out good money both in bus passes and fares, as well as train fares for second-rate services.

Compared to other European countries, the Government has under invested in public transport.

This is the reason why we have more congestion on our roads, with more people being ill, suffering from asthma, cancer, etc.

If Stephen Byers or his Government can't get their act together, they should be ousted.

Many people voted Labour in the last General Election. Not only do we have a public transport system that has been under-funded but also a suffering NHS.

The health service has got worse since Labour has been in office.

One person died waiting on a trolley in a hallway and many others are dying while waiting for operations

Public transport and the NHS are two of the most important assets that concern everybody.

More congestion on our roads means more pollution in our air, with more people ending up in hospital.

Many countries in Europe have a second to none public transport and it's better and more efficiently run than here.

Why has it taken Labour so long to even think about it - knowing how bad congestion has become on our roads.

Labour actually think by building new roads it will alleviate the problem. But what in fact it has done is destroyed our countryside, our wildlife and caused more pollution by cutting down more trees.

In a recent Newsnight programme, Charles Secrett, director of Friends of the Earth, was cut short when trying to explain how to alleviate some of these problems.

This was an insult, when the MP on the programme was allowed to speak - and waffle on - wasting valuable time that could have been used in a better way.

Statistics have stated the population is going up and in 10-15 years, congestion could be twice as bad as it is now.

Many, many people will suffer with their health because the Government is failing on its commitments.

It is using the war in Afghanistan to take people's minds away from the real issues.

If people carry voting Labour and Conservative there will never be a change and things will continue to get worse until it gets to 'bursting point'.

Living in Britain is bad for your health!

Richard Armstrong

Linton Close
