The John Barton column

I ALWAYS knew this season would require the biggest turn around of all but I have to say I have been very disappointed with the attitude and application of certain individuals within the team.

The displays indicate they don't want to play for either me or the club and you can only make this assessment on what you see.

Ever since I walked into the club, I have been disappointed with some players and the way they have gone about their business.

The unfortunate thing is that, at the moment, the side picks itself due to the injury situation.

But the message I would send to the supporters is that I don't see it any different to how they do.

I listen to the comments during games and by and large agree with most of their remarks.

It's come to a point where the team does need changing round. We want younger and fresher legs although that alone doesn't make them a player because they have to be able to play as well.

To be fair we have discussed new signings with the chairman, Dr Mike Sorensen, and the board and they have had a look at the financial situation and made more money available. Of course we would all like more but any manager would.

Since I've been here we've addressed the financial situation of the club and as I've always said there is no quick fix -- it was never going to be like that at St George's Lane.

As it stands we are in year two of a five-year programme. We've addressed the finances and are operating within those constraints, but the situation we find ourselves in this season is that it has been smashed upside down by injuries and is showing no signs of getting better.

To a certain extent we have been firefighting but some players have under-performed and some have held their own, but basically we can't get a side on the pitch.

The squad at the start of the season, with the addition of Darren Bullock and hopefully with the people we could have attracted, would have put us in a challenging position.

But at the moment we are not strong enough -- let's not kid ourselves. It is frustrating at times like these when you can't see the wood for the trees and it is always frustrating when you can't get a team out onto the pitch but we have to keep working hard to turn it around.

But anybody who thinks it's easy to bring in players who can improve the team and also have an impact on the dressing room has never run a non-league club.

Anyway, it's back to Dr Martens Premier Division business on Saturday with the visit of Newport County and if the last few games are anything to go by there will be a few goals and plenty of thrills and spills.