Five star

AS the days grow shorter and the cold winter nights set in, there is nothing quite like a stage production of Grease to lift your spirits.

Fantastic singing, great characters and perfect choreography make this latest production a must for all ages.

Craig Urbani plays the ever cool Danny, leader of the T Bird gang at Rydell High School, and it was him who made this production stand out from others. He brought a lot more comedy to the show with his hip gyrating, cheesy grins and 'cool' laugh - he made the character his own.

Sandy, perfectly played by Hayley Flaherty, is a newcomer to Rydell and is finding it hard to settle in, especially after discovering her holiday romance Danny attends the same school.

But true love prevails and after a few ups and downs Sandy gets her man following a drastic transformation into a man-eating seducer.

It is hard to pick out the best bits because it was all superb but the rendition of Grease Lightening and Beauty School Dropout were amazing.

The T Birds and Pink Ladies were great and each character had their moment to shine.

Special mention has to be made to Paul Burnham who plays Vince Fontaine and Teen Angel - the cheesy plastic face and smile had me in stitches. It plays until Saturday.