THE late Mary Whitehouse was a remarkable women in every respect who - when a middle-aged school teacher, wife, mother and devout Anglican - came to national and even international prominence as a courageous campaigner.

Motivated by strong Christian beliefs and for the moral welfare of her pupils, Mary - with a small circle of friends and her devoted and much-loved husband Ernest - organised the first meeting of the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association at Birmingham Town Hall.

Rabble-rousing "permissives" made the event a memorable occasion, after which the National Viewers' and Listeners' Association was established. The rest is history.

Mary said in the mid-1960s: "If you continually portray a violent society on television you will, in due course, have a violent society".

She lived long enough to see this and other predictions come true regarding the desensitising effects of the media.


We have now witnessed sexual depravity, obscene language, promiscuity, blasphemy, gratuitous violence - and an irresponsible media that has brought about, with the help of theorists, a moral, social and economic decadence to our once Christian nation.

Mary Whitehouse made enemies among those who profit from filth and evil.

She made many more friends, however, especially among those who are concerned for children, young people, the weak and vulnerable.

Mary has earned her place in history. Well done, thou good and faithful servant.


Midlands Regional Branch, Mediawatch UK (Formerly National Viewers' and Listeners' Association).