YOUNG people needing help with debt problems or homelessness can drop in to a new advice and information centre operating in the town.

Homeless charity Step out Drop in has opened up the service at its base in Park House, Evesham Street.

Young people will be advised on a range of issues, from drug abuse to debt management, and will be referred to the appropriate agency.

Step out Drop in is also working with the Internet Caf, also based in Park House, to provide young people with computer education and skills at the same time as enjoying a delicious meal.

They would then be taught what they should be doing and how to handle being a father.

Plans are also in place to establish a crche, a meeting room and more offices in the building.

The Knowledge Caf, set up by Interact 21, is holding a Christmas open day on Thursday, December 13, from 10am- 3pm.

Anyone can drop in to have a look and sign up to a variety of courses, from basic literacy and numeracy to web design.