IT is a measure of electoral apathy that Councillor Stephen Clee's words "Tony Blair and all his cronies are a disgrace to the democracy for which we have fought in two world wars," will pass almost without comment.

Our Government has no democratic right to govern our nation. More people voted against it than for it.

That shows how "democracy" has been devalued, in our nation, by successive generations of politicians.

"Europe" will complete that destruction. As Councillor Clee has observed, our historic county-based local government will have to be destroyed to impose "regional government".

That is no different from what has been done to our law and our institutions.

Europe effectively governs our nation, even though it has no mandate to do so.

Our law, our rights, and our freedoms have been given to Europe.

Our nation is now governed by "Statutory Instrument," by which European Law supplants national law, without Parliamentary debate.

We can no longer criticise Europe, because the European Court has reserved powers to act against anyone criticising either Europe or European "leaders."

European law is stealthily removing our right to trial by jury.

Our planning laws do not conform to Europe's, so they have to change, while our weights and measures have already been destroyed.

The democracy our forefathers fought and died for is being suffocated.

