BOTH sections held their AGM. All officers were re-elected except president Mr Geoff Neale and Mrs Dora Merry, service committee chairman who didn't seek re-election.

Mr David Bish and Mrs Eileen Partington were elected to these offices.

Chairman Mr C T Wareing thanked the retiring officers for their hard work for the branch in the past.

All officers in the Women's Section were re-elected with Mrs Pam Emery president; Mrs Joan Ballantyne, chairman; treasurer, Miss Pat Crook; and Mrs Margaret Such, secretary.

Mrs Pam Emery, poppy organiser for Astwood Bank and Crabbs Cross area reported that a cheque for £3,778.53 had been sent to the poppy fund.

Thanks to everyone who helped in any way to achieve this total, special thanks to Frank Gillett and David and Linda Bish for their support.