A MEMORIAL is to be put up in Redditch town centre to remember the millions who died in the Holocaust.

Saturday, January 26, will be a day of national remembrance for the victims of the atrocities of the last century, not least the Nazi's industrial slaughter of millions during the Second World War.

Redditch Council's town centre sub-committee agreed last week to pay for a memorial in the centre as part of the event but would like to hear ideas from the public.

Meanwhile a vigil for world disarmament will be held at Alcester Street Church from 9am-6pm and a procession will leave the church to join a service at the Kingfisher Centre at noon.

Anyone with ideas for a Holocaust memorial can write to Joan Gooden (Area Manager- Neighbourhood Renewal), Redditch Town Hall, Alcester Street, Redditch B98 8AH.