PARISH COUNCIL: At their November meeting, chaired by coun Tony Wilkins, the parish council heard that when the jetting crew were in the village in August dealing with blocked gullies, they did not report any problems to the divisional surveyor, so no work was planned. However, the chairman had spoken to him and told him what had been written on the road at various gullies, and followed up by going round the village with the area maintenance surveyor, who had said that a lot of work had been done around the village, but the department had overspent and would have to cut back on its work. The chairman felt that once the marked up work had been completed, little more would be done until the new financial year, although he had made it clear that some roads and lanes needed resurfacing completely. A letter had been received from GPU Power Distribution saying that the proposed work at the Ilmington North transformer had been completed on October 26, and that they would continue to monitor the situation to ensure that the anticipated improvements were achieved. Coun David Sabin asked if the hole in Mr Betteridge's field which had been dug for this work had been filled in, and the chairman agreed to look. The chairman reported that replacement trees for those that had died or been vandalised had been planted recently. A letter had been received from Severn Trent saying that the issues raised in the clerk's letter about the sewage problems in Armscote Road required further investigation, and it had been passed to the relevant department for immediate attention. Severn Trent would be in contact again within the next 20 working days. The stone from Lord Henry Capell's basin had been in place in the recess of the fountain on the Upper Green since the last parish council meeting. It was agreed that it should remain there, with a suitable plaque. The wording of which was agreed. Letters had been received from Mr Stephen Moorhouse of the county solicitors department about New Age Travellers. One large group which had been evicted from a site in Northamptonshire were originally thought to be on their way to Warwickshire, but had now gone to Thames Valley. Mr Moorhouse wished to compile a list of 'hot spot' sites within the county which were county council/highway land or parish council land. District coun C J Saint reported that he had endorsed an application for a grant from the district council for the playing field drainage, and had also sent Mr Michael Dingley details of another source of funding. Planning matters were then dealt with. An application had been received for the conversion of Compton Scorpion Barn, Compton Scorpion Farm, to form a holiday let, together with all associated works. After a long discussion on the matter, it was agreed that this application should be recommended for refusal. Because of its prominent and isolated position, development of the barn would be contrary to policy EF.1 of the District Local Plan Review 1996-2011 in that it would be detrimental to the natural beauty of the landscape and of the special qualities and features that contribute to the distinctive character of the Cotswold AONB. It was also contrary to policy EF.2 in that it would have a harmful effect upon the character of this special landscape area. The parish council had no representations to make on an application for the installation of two dishes at the Warwick Police Transmitter Station, Nebsworth Lane; for work on trees at Ilmington Grange; or for a two storey extension to Campden Cottage, Campden Hill, and demolition of existing flat roof garage to provide gravel hardstanding, subject to provision of parking for two vehicles. Notices of permission with conditions had been received from the district council for the construction of a carport at Rivendell, Middle Street; and for development at Ashley Cottage, Carriage Wheel Lane. The district council had also given consent for arboricultural work at The Shippen, Burlingham Farm. The clerk reported that the Jubilee Committee had heard that very few of the residents of Bennett Place would use a bus shelter at that end of the village, and they felt it was not necessary. Stratford-on-Avon Rural Transport Partnership should be informed accordingly. The chairman reported that suggestions and offers of help had been made for clearing a path along the old tramway from the end of Featherbed Lane to the Chipping Dump. He had cut a preliminary way through and a working party would widen it soon so that horses could be ridden along there.