CONTROVERSIAL plans for a new farm complex on the edge of Malvern are due to be discussed by district council planners next week.

Dozens of letters have been received by Malvern Hills District Council objecting to farmer John Bullock's plan to build new agricultural buildings on land to the south of Guarlford Road.

Earlier this year, an application by Mr Bullock for two barns further east along Guarlford Road was thrown out by planners.

The latest plan calls for the erection of two machinery stores, an office building, a storage building, a general purpose building, a grain store and a cattle shed. MHDC have received 109 letters objecting to the project, and 11 supporting it. Guarlford Parish Council is opposing it.

MHDCs southern area planning sub-committee will consider the plan on Monday (December 17).

Planning officers say it should be refused because the buildings would be unduly prominent from the Malvern Hills, would be harmful to the open character of the area and because vehicles servicing the farm would cause disturbance to houses along Mill Lane.

A further plan by Mr Bullock for outline permission for a new farmhouse near the proposed farm buildings is also due to be discussed at Monday night's meeting. It is recommended for refusal.

Refusal is recommended for two more plans - one for the conversion of existing buildings at Mill Farm and another for the construction of housing behind Mill Farm.

However, listed building consent for the conversion of Mill Farm is recommended for approval.