A GRANT towards a new fitted kitchen for Callow End Village Hall is to be made by Powick Parish Council, after members agreed it would be a great asset to the community.

But they want to see written quotations before agreeing to give a maximum of £2,600 towards the project.

The original request for £3,200 was considered excessive, until members heard that the figure included £600 for a cooker and fridge.

It was agreed the work was needed because food could not be prepared in the kitchen at present, but the grant would be made for fitted units and not the kitchen appliances.

Lack of quotations or other evidence to back up requests for grants hampered the council when it considered eight applications.

The 7th Worcester Scout Group is to be given £100 towards the cost of a storage container for its equipment, and the church will receive £150 to cover the shortfall in the maintenance budget for the churchyard, caused by a reduction in interest rates.

Powick Handbell Ringers will be granted £200 towards the cost of additional bells, after applying for £400, but offering no information about individual costs.

The council refused an application from Powick Playing Field Association for £850 towards grass cutting costs, on the ground that it was an annual commitment rather than a specific project.

Powick Parish Hall's request for £1,230 to buy four dozen new chairs and a storage trolley was deferred for consideration when a written quotation has been submitted.

Also deferred were two applications from Callow End Playing Field Association, which had asked for £1,260 for seating and clothes hooks in the sports pavilion, and another £235 for removing paving slabs and replacing them with concrete.

As the playing field and pavilion project was started by the council and not finished, members are to consider whether these items should be added to the council's normal expenditure, rather than being taken from the grant budget.