WHAT lengths some people will go to stay in power. Only four years ago, when Labour came to power, they condemned grammar schools as being elitist.

Labour tried to eliminate them and insisted on their system of "levelling down", imposing comprehensive schools on everyone. Unless, of course, you were the Prime Minister who could send his son to an elitist school.

Now, following the failure of our education system, Labour is suddenly promoting grammar schools! Likewise, private medical care was condemned and yet now the use of private medical care is being made available to the NHS.


Labour's policies have visibly failed, but to ensure they stay in power, they give up their ages-old principles and do complete 'U' turns.

The old Labour men of integrity like Attlee and Bevan must be turning in their graves at the behaviour of today's Labour leaders, who, it would appear, do not have the courage of their convictions yet adopt policies they previously hated and condemned in order to hang on to power.


Fernhill Heath,
