APPROXIMATELY three years ago I wrote to Forest Enterprise to complain about the mass felling of oak trees in areas of our beautiful Wyre Forest.

They responded with the explanation of forest coppicing.

These areas no longer support a single tree - this is not my understanding of coppicing.

However, a week ago, like Penelope Jones (Letters, December 6) I went for a relaxing walk in the Wyre Forest only to find further mass destruction of our precious oak trees.

The felled trees remaining on site were numbered from one to 313, with pathways turned into highways.

To express the vastness of this destruction I ask you to imagine the Stourport Road/Bewdley by-pass and island in the middle of the forest, replacing the tarmac surfaces with deeply rutted mud, a lone tree supporting a way-marker as the central point of the island, giving a three-way view of muddy highways (so-called rides).

This is not a pretty sight, it is heartbreaking in reality.

The explanation given for this action, I believe, is that the area has been cleared to encourage butterflies. I find this pathetic.

Come on Forest Enterprise, review your "modern management" plans before you destroy the whole forest.


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